HTML5 Slideshow!

html5 slideshow

I began playing with HTML… ten-eleven years ago. It was a rough time, in which you had to do virtually everything. It took a loooot of time to do something at least decent, but you had to code every single component.

Ten years have passed by. Now, it seems easier than ever to build a great looking website in almost no time. Hey! look at this blog! it’s running thanks to WordPress, and guess what! i’ve set it up in five minutes!.

But i still play with other websites. And thing is, it’s always hard to figure out what to put in the very first webpage of your site. A common option, these days, is to install an image slider. Take a look at They had that for a long time. After iPad 3 release, they’ve upgraded it to embedded video. We’ll probably discuss that in a later post.

This time, i wanted to share with you this component: Flux Slider. It’s really easy to install and setup. And it looks AWESOME. There are many other alternatives… almost all of them look the same way, and allow you to do the same thing.

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HTML5 Popups!

Old school HTML fellows know how annoying popups can be. It’s definitely not a good practise, since every single modern browser has some sort of popup blocker.

But what happens when we **really** need to display a popup ?.

Well, what Google fellows do is basically display a modal layer, preventing you from clicking anything below this layer. Thanks god, there are few interesting opensource options that already solve all the quirks you might find while dealing with tons of different browsers.

I’ve been playing with few of them, but since i’m a big jQuery fan, i got to pick fancybox… an html5 popups library, for free. How does it look?… well, just like this:

Fancybox is a jQuery plugin that allows you to display stunning in-window popups, with just few lines of code. It adds an overlay on top of your webpage, and its look and feeling is very OSX!.

I’m pretty sure there might be better solutions. But what i particularly love about this html5 popups framework is that it’s incredibly easy to implement. Just a couple of lines, and that’s it. Clean code leads to better results, in every single aspect.

Check it out, and leave your comments!.