Buenos Aires Places: La Viruta

After writing so much about iOS… Apps…. and other geeky stuff, i though it would be a good idea to write a little about one of the greatest places to visit… (whenever) you step by Buenos Aires.

Tango is one of the greatest assets that Argentina has. It’s an old fashioned musical genre. But let me tell you something you may not know. Dancing tango, actually, is one of the most fun things i’ve don in the past year (or so). It can get pretty technical, tricky, and difficult.

It is said that after a year of practice you actually get to grasp a little bit about this dance. There are many many places to watch tango (or even take lessons). But there is a particular place that has all the lights on. Yeah, i’m talking about La Viruta.

You can learn how to dance Rock’n Roll, Salsa, Tango, and even Milonga. They have a restaurant + bar, and i dare to say that it’s more fun than any other disco you might get to know.

I know exactly what you’re thinking. ‘This guy is oooold’. No. I’m not!.