Raspberry + Transmission

Let’s begin with the basics. We’ll need to upgrade the system to the latest, and update the apt-get database. Once ready, we’ll proceed with the transmission’s daemon + cli binaries, as follows:

[cc lang=”bash”]
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get install transmission-cli transmission-common transmission-daemon transmission-remote-cli

By default, transmission requires you to setup username / password. Since our goal is *not* to expose Transmission to the open internet (and we’ll only use it via SSH), we’ll simply neutralize any kind of authentication:

[cc lang=”bash”]
nano /etc/transmission-daemon/settings.json

Once there, edit this snippet:

[cc lang=”bash”]
rpc-authentication-required: false

We want Transmission to keep an events log. Anything that goes wrong during setup… must be persisted, otherwise, debugging it will be a nightmare.

The only way i’ve found to set this up, is by means of the Daemon Service Descriptor:

[cc lang=”bash”]
nano /lib/systemd/system/transmission-daemon.service

Once there, you want to add the logfile’s path. Make sure that the file exists, and Transmission’s user has enough permissions to edit it:

[cc lang=”bash”]
OPTIONS=”–config-dir $CONFIG_DIR –logfile /var/log/transmission.log”

Filesystem Permissions:

Transmission’s user is specified in the transmission-daemon.service descriptor (which is debian-transmission). So… you really wanna make sure whatever shared folder you end up using, belongs to Transmission’s group.

[cc lang=”bash”]
usermod -a -G debian-transmission YOUR_USER
chgrp debian-transmission /DOWNLOADS/PATH


In order to begin downloading a magned, try the following:

[cc lang=”bash”]
(And press ‘A’)

Restarting Stopped

Last tip: If you need to restart all of your downloads at once, this command becomes quite handy:

[cc lang=”bash”]
transmission-remote -t all -s