Showing current folder in Terminal’s Title

This is a nice trick i’ve learnt not long ago. Nice, and useful. If you run OSX, and you’d like Terminal to display the current folder, in its title… to looks something like this:


All you need to do is to edit the .profile in your home directory, and type the following line:

[cc lang=”bash”]export PROMPT_COMMAND=’echo -ne “\033]0;[${PWD/$HOME/~}]\007″‘[/cc]

Nice, right?

Fixing ‘Show in Finder’

I’ve been dealing with an annoying glitch in OSX 10.8.2. For some reason, ‘show in finder’ breaks down… on its own.

The workaround is…

[cc lang=”bash”]sudo killall -KILL appleeventsd[/cc]

Let’s just hope a real fix shows up, sooner rather than later.

Fixing “iTunes was unable to load dataclass” Error

I’ve been dealing with the “iTunes was unable to load dataclass” for several hours.
I’ve uninstalled iTunes, Xcode, deleted the Mobile Device Support… reinstalled everything, booted the system, and nothing seemed to work.

After searching for quite some time, i’ve found this post. Long short story, if you delete this framework:

[cc lang=”bash”]/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileDevice.framework[/cc]

…and right afterwards you relaunch Xcode (which will, as a result, reinstall such framework)… you should be able to get rid of this… annoooooooooying problem.


Unlock Hidden Wallpapers in MountainLion

Long time no see!. It must been a month, at least, since my last post. I’ve come across this article… and thought it would be a good idea to store this somewhere, so i don’t loose track.

It’s simple. Just open this folder:

[code]/System/Library/Frameworks/ScreenSaver.Framework/Versions/A/Resources/Default Collections/[/code]

You’ll find about 147 MB of high definition wallpapers, that are already bundled in your Mac, and nobody told you. They’re retina-sized (3200×3000), so if you’re using a Macbook Pro with Retina Display.. it will definitely look awesome.

Mac Hidden Wallpapers
