Hawaiian Awesomeness

I’ve been lucky enough to spend a couple days with several friend in Oahu island. Let me just say this: Hawaii is awesome.

During january, when it’s supposed to be winter, the water temperature is perfect pitch. Wifi is great, and the food is super tasty, not sure why, yet.

Next time… Maui maybe?



Generating a Mac Iconset

You’ll need to create PNG assets with the following sizes and filenames:

All of those assets should go into a folder named ‘Icon.iconset’.
Afterwards, just fire Terminal and type the following command:

iconutil -c icns

If all went well, you should have a .icns file right there!.

Reference: Apple’s Guidelines.

Removing “@2x” substring from files

If you’re reading this, probably… it’s because the Art Designers of your team just sent you a bunch of SD assets, with the @2x substring… and you don’t wanna spend the next 30 minutes cleaning that up… right?

If that’s the case, you’ve come to the right place. Fire Terminal, open the containing folder, and type the following:

find . -type f -name “*@2x*” -exec sh -c ‘echo mv “$0” “${0/@2x/}”‘ ‘{}’ \;

you might have just noticed that this will actually echo the replacement. That’s for safety. Validate the output, and proceed removing the ‘echo’ command call.

Fixing Codesign Issues with Helper Apps

I’ve been getting “Invalid binary” errors, while trying to upload a binary to the AppStore. The solution can be found in stackoverflow, i’m just pasting it here, for future reference…

1. Re-Codesign the Helper app from terminal:
[cc]codesign -f -s “3rd Party mac Developer Application:” -i “com.bundle.YOUR.HELPER” –entitlements path/to/helper/entitlements YOUR-HELPER.app[/cc]


Remove provisioning profile from Helper app, adding a “Run script” into the “Build Phases”:

[cc]rm “${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${PRODUCT_NAME}.app/Contents/Library/LoginItems/YOUR-HELPER.app/Contents/embedded.provisionprofile”[/cc]

After this, i managed to upload the binary!


OSX: Fixing SSH hangs!

This glitch is pretty annoying. You’re following a log, while connected to a server (through ssh), and after a while, your ssh connection hangs.
The solution?.

Fire up Terminal, and type the following: nano ~/.ssh/config

Once there, fill up the following:

ServerAliveInterval 300
ServerAliveCountMax 120

That should keep your connection alive for the next 10 hours, without further issues.
